Why are there so many educated girls working as escorts in Goa?

Educated women have a broader outlook on life. The well-educated women working as Goa escorts are a living example of this. After talking to the women here, one thing became clear 'no matter what the profession, normal-looking women have many expectations from their lives. The desire to touch the sky of expectations gives a highly educated woman the passion and courage to do even the most difficult tasks.

Based on the findings of the survey, we are giving you information through our blog from the perspective of educated girls who are involved in the profession of escorts in Goa.

1 Open-Minded Thinking: - Highly educated women think with an open mind. The habit of adopting a practical approach towards life differentiates educated women from other rural or general-class urban women.

2 Positive Attitude about life problems: - If an uneducated woman faces any problem, she cries and screams and looks around nervously for help. A strong woman starts finding her solution to her problem. While interviewing women in Goa, the interviewer got a chance to know the lives of women closely. But at the same time, it also became known how courageous and active today's modern woman is due to her positive thinking instead of being a weak object of pity.

3 Higher Living Standards: - Women present in Goa from different states and abroad who have come to earn money on the pretext of tourism like to live a high standard of life. Educated women with modern outlook do not like the normal lifestyle at all. According to the women, they do not want to spend their lives in days full of hunger and nights of poverty in the name of social traditions.

The glamour of modeling attracted well-educated girls, and the desire to earn more and more money in a short time gave a different identity to highly qualified girls in the form of sexy escorts in Goa. Women who want to live a high-class life like to live in expensive flats with all the amenities and like to travel in expensive cars. This hobby of ambitious profile women inspires them to earn money by any means.

4 Life partner breakups: - Married women often feel internally broken after breaking up with their life partners. Disrespect from family members makes them lonely. In such a situation, they start facing difficulty in living. Women who have gone through a breakup with their spouse knowingly or unknowingly get influenced by some broker and accept to work as high-profile escorts.

5 Life below the poverty line: - Living in poverty seems stinking to educated, sensible women. Excess of wealth increases the material comforts of women. Despite being educated, living below the poverty line or having a low standard of living attracts women towards VIP call girls services.

6 Unemployment: - Increasing unemployment also forces women into the field of escort services in tourist places like Goa with the help of brokers. Women argue that in the absence of regular income, living becomes increasingly difficult. The needs of life cannot be fulfilled without money. Hence, unemployment also promotes women's escort services to some extent.

7 Earning hobby: - The habit of earning also brings many educated females into the ranks of independent call girls. Women conscious of their lives and the near environment want to earn money continuously. By naming their habit as a profession, most Goa call girls make a lot of money.

8 Human trafficking: - The illegal act of human trafficking is also responsible for the gathering of call girls in Goa or other cities. Even educated girls are lured away from their homes by brokers who promise them jobs at high salaries. And after sexually exploiting them, they sell them to escort agents. As a result of which, the girl remains as a female escort.

9 Family responsibilities: - Every girl has her own family and responsibilities. Under compulsion, girls remain stuck in this profession for a long time. Even a professional call girl is serious about her child's education and career. Battling difficult circumstances, she is forced to earn money through call girl services to provide for her child's future. This is also a fact of the plethora of educated paid companions in Goa.

10 Money and Satisfaction: - According to some women, they get satisfaction and money as high-class call girls. After it becomes easy, women's interest in luxury items increases. A money-earning woman can afford the expenses of a luxurious life.

11 Legal Recognition and Support: - There has been an increase in the number of high-profile paid escort call girls in India after the Supreme Court of India recognized adultery. After the appropriate decision was taken in favor of sexual freedom, a mixed reaction of anger and happiness was seen across the country. Taking the Indian Supreme Court adultery law decision as the basis, many educated women looked at the profession of escort call girl service from the point of view of common professions. And fearlessly, women took up escort services as their profession.


Conclusion: - We have made honest efforts in our article, keeping the objective in mind. It is accepted truth that a large number of well-educated girls in Goa have camped in the form of high-profile call girls as independent escorts and agency escorts.