Sexual autonomy of call girls in Goa
We need to have a broad perspective to understand the concept of sexual autonomy. The concept of sexual autonomy cannot be understood with a narrow patriarchal perspective. The roots of traditionalism and distorted thinking do not exist anywhere else but within our society itself. Even today, in the blind race of modernity in the 21st century, woman empowerment is far from its goal in the true sense. Along with domestic or working girls and women of civilized society, the sexual autonomy of call girls in Goa should also be discussed openly. Having sexual relations with a woman at the time of a man's sexual need cannot be called sexual autonomy of a woman, even if the matter is of a female sex worker. However, this blog is based on scholars' research on a susceptible issue; you read it with a careful attitude and get real information in the article.
Allowing a man to have sexual intercourse with a woman out of a sense of sexual autonomy is a source of pleasure for the man, whereas having sexual intercourse with a married wife or any other woman based on coercion is considered a crime.
According to the observations of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, a woman's sexual autonomy is part of her right to life under the Rape Act. According to the Honorable Court, occasional duties cannot be ignored while exercising this optional right.
According to the latest findings of the National Family Health Survey NFHS-5, only 10% of women can make independent decisions about their health without any pressure.
Based on the survey conducted in the urban environment, it was found that 11% of the women believed that they had faced domestic violence since they refused to have sexual relations with their married partner. In parallel to global figures, in India too, more than half of pregnancies are unplanned.
In such cases, women have to suffer unwanted pregnancies by ignoring women's sexual autonomy and reproductive autonomy of women.
Joining forces with marginalized women and girls and making laws can be a bold step so that women can exercise their power to exercise their rights and independently make life-changing personal decisions.
According to the Supreme Court of India, a woman living in a nearly broken relationship does not lose her sexual autonomy just because the woman is married.
Honorable Justice of the Indian Supreme Court clarified that if a woman has the right to say no, then it must also be accepted that the woman has not lost her sexual autonomy after marriage.
According to the Honorable Court, if a man is involved in adultery then the man himself is an indicator of a break in relationship and broken marriage.
The court clarified that if sexual autonomy is considered a natural right then it will remove adultery as a ground for seeking divorce. According to the apex court, the right to sexual autonomy has been identified as the right of choice.
At the same time, the court also made it clear that a woman's right to sexual autonomy does not mean that a woman has the fundamental right to choose her partner outside of marriage.
In the interpretation of the court, it was clearly said that keeping adultery out of the category of crime should not be understood as giving approval or license to it. This will be recognized as a civil wrong which can be used as a basis for seeking divorce. Apart from this, like other rights, sexual autonomy cannot be absolute, and appropriate restrictions can be imposed on it.
The sexual autonomy of call girls in Goa should be understood in a way that according to the Delhi High Court, sex workers and women who have separated from their husbands have the right to refuse sex. If forced by a man, both the sex worker and the woman living separately can file a criminal case against the culprit.
Conclusion: - Sexual autonomy cannot be complete in a civilized society. A woman has the full right to say no to a man. Call girls in Goa who volunteer as sex workers have the full right to say no to the man for any reason. Consensual sexual service to earn money cannot be registered as a criminal case of rape by a sex worker or a housewife. In the eyes of the court, adultery is a consensual extra-marital relationship. Not only general women but also sex workers cannot be forced by any man to have physical relations. In the eyes of the law, an extramarital affair is considered a civil wrong.